I was tasked with coming up with many different ways to use Smart Motors, a concept developed at the Tufts CEEO.

Smart Motors use a sensor to provide an input and a motor to provide an output. A user trains the Smart Motor so that a certain input corresponds to a certain output. This setup makes robotics more accessible, as it is easy to use and requires no programming knowledge. See the website below for examples of Smart Motors I made (they say "By Jesse Gilbert" under them).

Smart Motor Prototypes

If the videos aren’t working for you on the Smart Motor website, you can see some of them here:

Smart Ball Hitter: An arm that swings whenever something passes near it

Smart Ball Hitter: An arm that swings whenever something passes near it

Smart Conveyer Sorter: A servo that kicks white balls off of a track and lets other colors through

Smart Conveyer Sorter: A servo that kicks white balls off of a track and lets other colors through

Smart Box: A box that opens when light is shone

Smart Box: A box that opens when light is shone

Smart Ball Balancer: A tilting track that keeps a ball in the middle

Smart Ball Balancer: A tilting track that keeps a ball in the middle

These Smart Motor setups are made using an Arduino kit and show how a traditional Arduino kit can allow Smart Motors to be implemented easily and with very cool results. The setup contains a limited number of actuators and sensors - a servo, DC motor, light sensor, line sensor, and distance sensor - but with these input and output devices, there is a remarkable diversity of ways to construct a smart system. Also, the code for all these Arduino examples is essentially the same. To use a different sensor or actuator, all one has to do is comment and uncomment a couple of lines of code. That's it! Then a student has a whole new range of possibilities for their creations with the smart system.

<aside> 📌 I worked on this project while working at the Tufts CEEO (Center for Engineering Education and Outreach) the summer before my sophomore year at Tufts. See my resume for more.


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